Walsh Funerals and Memorials
Funeral Memorials Funeral Memorials


We have over 40 years of experience as monumental masons in the memorial industry. We are proud to be able to say that we offer some of the most unique and highest quality memorials in the UK. As you are able to arrange your loved ones memorial in the same location and with the same staff as you arranged their funeral it will hopefully make this a slightly easier process for you.

Most of us at some point in our lives are faced with the painful task of choosing a suitable memorial for a loved one. The memorial you choose will forever honour the life of someone you love. Our aim is to give you the best products from our extensive range or from a bespoke design of your own, using our in-house team of designers. We can assist you if you wish to commission something special, you will find our memorials are unique and will make your loved ones memorial stand out from the standard memorials that we now see in cemeteries and churchyards across the country.

Our branches in Bloxwich and West Bromwich both have beautiful memorial showrooms where you’ll see a selection of headstones displayed.

You can view a selection of memorial headstones from our brochures ‘The Evermore Compilation’ and ‘Belle Lapidi’ by clicking here.

As well as new memorial stones, we also offer a memorial restoration service.

Click below to see our stock memorial offers

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Walsh Funerals & Memorials
Head Office
39 Park Road, Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands
West Bromwich Office
37 Heath Ln,
West Bromwich,
B71 2BN
24 Hour Funeral: 01922 497666
Memorial Enquiries: 01922 496117
Fax: 01922 475 312
Email: info@walshfunerals.co.uk
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